Cabbage as one of the most important vegetable crops, belongs to the Cruciferae or mustard family. Cabbage is well-known for its medicinal properties. Due to variation in the nutraceuticals in the leaves from outermost side to innermost side, the cultivars could guide the appropriate utilization of cabbage leaves in various food preparation techniques in order to maximize the nutritional benefits. The macro, micro and carotene studies were also undertaken in cabbage hybrids. Since cabbages consists of leaves, the soaked water is evaporated from the leaves of the plants and hence, the iodine is concentrated in the leaves. Due to the presence of iodine in cabbage, this vegetable has become very important. Owing to the significance of iodine in the human diet, the estimation of iodine was carried by the arsenic-cerium redox method. Iodine has long been recognised as an essential micronutrient for humans and livestock.