Schefflera is a large genus with over 650 species of polygamous or dioecious trees, tall shrubs or climbers distributed in tropical and subtropical regions. Schefflera J. R. Forst. and G. Forst. belongs to the family Araliaceae. Schefflera plants are a genus of plants named in honor of Jacob Christian Scheffler, an 18th-century German botanist. The scientific names and the distribution of the species were confirmed with the databases of the Plant list and Missouri Botanical Garden (MOBOT). The chapter discusses the former reports on the pharmacological properties of Schefflera plants. Phytochemical studies on plants in the Schefflera genus have revealed the presence of triterpenes, triterpenoid glycosides and saponins. Schefflera is a worldwide-distributed species traditionally used in local remedies for various diseases. Traditionally many Schefflera species reported for various diseases and some of the pharmacological properties have been evaluated in experimental animal models.