Artemia biomass and cysts can be produced in intensive as well as semi-intensive and extensive conditions. Intensive production is performed in indoor tank systems under completely controlled conditions. The fertilization program in Artemia ponds needs to be adjusted to optimize the availability of phytoplankton. In fertilized ponds, operated under optimal conditions sexual maturity may already be attained 7 to 10 days after inoculation. In pond systems, cyst production is often observed when the population is exposed to high salinities. Strain selection can be based on the available data of growth and production performance, reproductive characteristics, anion concentration tolerance, and especially temperature/salinity tolerance. Successful production of Artemia in seasonal solar-salt fields involves minor pond modifications to increase the water depths in the future Artemia ponds to a minimum level of about 40 to 50 cm. Most artisanal saltfarms are designed to permit intake of sea water by tide.