This chapter provides the cytological aspects of studies with amine oxidases (AO), reviewing what is known about its localization at three subsequent levels of organization: in organs, in tissues and cells, and at the subcellular level. In any case, regarding the origin of AO in connective tissue, it seems likely that, as was demonstrated with lysyl oxidase, the enzyme is synthesized in fibroblasts. The localization of diamine oxidase (DAO) at the cellular level can be determined either by biochemical or histochemical methods. The localization of renal DAO was determined using immunohistochemical methods, which permitted an analysis of the distribution of the enzyme in the renal cortex of the pig. The subcellular localization of DAO in the renal cortex has been examined by Backus and Kim in the kidney of the cat and dog, and by Sartori et al. in rabbit kidney.