Hosting of events and promoting event-oriented tourism is a matter of high importance to the new emerging economy of Asia. It is a post-world war phenomenon, to be precise a late 20th-century development. Venturing events is ages’ old practice of the world and Asia too. Changes in rationale and nature of its practices were evident since the early state. Association between events and tourism is quite close, pragmatic and longstanding though the fact was perceived by the world of tourism and event only in the late 20th century. Tourism takes interest only in planned and organised events. Organising a planned event is considered as the state of tourism art and creativity. Mutualism between the two led to the emergence of event tourism which plays an important role in destination imaging, promotion and development. Presently growth in event tourism is marked as the indicator of economic development within the world’s new emerging economy. Asia’s initiative in this regard is significant. The present chapter will study event tourism in the Asian perspective.