Advances in understanding soybean physiology and growth M. B. Zhang1 and X. T. Chu1, Centre for Integrative Legume Research, University of Queensland, Australia; H. N. Su, University of Queensland, Australia, and National Navel Orange Engineering Research Center, Gannan Normal University, China; and A. H. Hastwell, P. M. Gresshoff and B. J. Ferguson2, Centre for Integrative Legume Research, University of Queensland, Australia

1 Introduction

2 Biological nitrogen fixation in soybean

3 Classical techniques for understanding soybean physiology

4 Mutagenesis methods and soybean mutant lines

5 Modern experimental techniques applicable to soybean physiology research

6 The soybean genome and associated bioinformatics resources

7 Conclusion

8 Where to look for further information

9 References

Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) is the world’s foremost legume crop and represents a multi-billion dollar industry worldwide (Singh and Singh, 1992; Specht et al., 2001; Norman, 2012). Global soybean production is roughly 320 million tonnes per year, with over 80% grown in three dominant countries: the United States (USA), Brazil and Argentina (USDA-FAS 2016). Due to its high seed protein and oil content, much of the soybean yield undergoes industrial processing to become crushed soybean meal (for human consumption and for livestock and poultry feed), soybean oil or biodiesel (Asbridge, 1995; Goldsmith, 2008; Norman, 2012; Gresshoff et al., 2015; Orf, 2016). Indeed, only a fraction of the soybean yield is used in other products for human consumption, such as soy sauce, tofu, edamame and soymilk (Goldsmith, 2008; Norman, 2012).