The Tanztheater, notation, the physical preparation for expressive movement, the healing practices, the work in education and industry, actor preparation and movement design are all pertinent to the twenty-first-century performer and practitioner. Every little movement does not have a meaning of its own, but every little movement means something to the mover, and therefore resonates for the audience of the mover. In the popular culture, the term "body language" is often used to describe the analysis of signs and symbols within nonverbal communication. Rudolf Laban Movement Analysis (LMA) treats body parts, body actions and body organization as arising from the same basic precepts categorically. The themes of LMA also include exertion/recuperation, function/expression, and stability/mobility. While most of the Laban and Bartenieff work is about the changing and accommodating people do in response to contextual and expressive needs, observers can note the basic "set" of a body in a particular attitude, or held shape.