Less abundant are comments from senior officers concerning Hitler's monetary gifts, even though almost all of Hitler's senior officers benefited in some way from Hitler's bribery after mid-1940. Leaving aside the implications of each senior official and parliamentary deputy receiving a tax-free gift each month, the interesting point here is that Hitler did not include Germany's military leaders for several more years. Liddell Hart, "'How Germany Could Have Won the War If It Hadn't Been for Hitler': German Generals Misrepresent the History of the Second World War". Studies on the close relationship between the German armed forces and the Nazi state point to numerous affinities between the beliefs of conservative Wehrmacht officers and National Socialist doctrine. Prussian Field Marshal Helmuth von Moltke was voted the sum of 200,000 thalers by the North German Reichstag in 1866 in gratitude for his dramatic victory over the Austrians in that year, so that he could purchase a suitable estate for his retirement.