Western self-employment has continued to triumph over self-in-community. But the work of Croatian-born Rudolf Steiner was able to carry the 'eastern flag' into the West and North, through anthroposophy and his principle of three-folding (liberty, equality, fraternity) a Commonwealth. Interestingly Steiner's principles have been most strongly manifested not in Europe, but in Egypt, by Sekem, acting as a crossroads between the Middle and European East. The rules for income distribution belong to the political life of rights. The application of rules in an individual instance belongs to the cultural and spiritual sphere. Through adjusting production to need, associative collaboration between different types of companies creates the basis, in economic life, for just income distribution. Sustainable production is an economic need rather than simply a market pursuit. The purpose of Sustainable Development Goal is to engage in discourse and practical action surrounding issues arising from a burgeoning global middle class, to the mid-century.