The world dislocates our lives and threats are accruing. It is as if every single thing must enter the vast racist, murderous and misogynist global supermarket and become merchandise. Cultural appropriation masquerades as diversity. In an unbearable turnaround, oppressors claim to be victims. Since some have declared the "end of History," everything can be manipulated. Once the end of history is declared, there is no longer any need for peace, nothing to stop us entering a permanent state of war. The fear of being labeled mad will not lead us to abandon the idea of utopia. Hot-air subversion is of no interest to us. In these reconfigurations, the figure of the Maroon, those men and women who refused the long night of oppression, strikes us as primordial. To escape, if only for an hour, a day, a night, or years, to create, against all odds, a space of freedom is the lesson they bequeath to us.