A society organized according to anarchist principles has no government overseeing it. Fortunately, moral and political libertarians and anarchists do not need to worry about this metaphysical "dilemma of free will", if that is what it is. Anarchists need to convince their opponents that the evils in question, while clearly evils, are not necessary – that society would be better off without them. The anarchist rejects government as being the enemy of liberty. The view that people's personal values are their own, and that we outsiders are to respect those values by allowing people to live as they choose, is liberalism. Many professed anarchists in the past have objected to the institution of private property. The contemporary anarchists who profess to be anti-capitalist mostly seem to be objecting, not to capitalism as such, but to capitalism in which modern states have taken a major hand, taxing some and not others, rewarding "cronies" and much else.