In this chapter, the author presents an overview that is constructed from the core elements of his worldview as articulated in his major commentaries. It is also informed by the author own work as a scholar of the Advaita tradition and has some constructive elements. Advaita acknowledges a line of distinguished teachers for the exegesis, clarification, defense and transmission of its teachings. The language of creatio ex nihilo is not utilized in the Upanisads or the Advaita tradition to speak of the emergence of the world from brahman. The opposite of papam is punyam, which describes both good actions, ethical and ritual, and the subtle result that produces future happiness for the performer. Dharma and adharma signify that which is proper and improper. Punyam and dharma promote individual and communal well-being; papam and adharma cause suffering and are closer in meaning to evil.