This chapter suggests that far from being opposed to morality or corrosive of morality, Darwinism is actually on the side of morality. A popular charge by critics of evolutionary thinking is that Darwinism leads straight to Adolf Hitler and the extermination policies of the Nazis. If anything is going to be judged evil, then Darwinism is going to be judged evil. Darwin argues that all organisms–living and dead–are the end results of a long, slow, natural process of development, from just a few forms. A number of critics of Darwinism have argued that any attempt to apply Darwinism to the species brings up the spectre of so-called "genetic determinism”. This is something of a stronger degree than just plain determinism, because the charge is that it does strike right at liberty. Some would argue that genuine freedom is possible even in a world of law. Others would argue that freedom demands determinism.