A considerable amount of research has been conducted in the west to examine gender relations within the criminal justice workplace. Little or no research has been produced concerning the complex position of women in developing countries who choose a career in the criminal justice system. I conducted interviews with women police officers in the South Pacific country of Papua New Guinea with the aim of exploring gender relations in the criminal justice system. The research is located within and contrasted with western discourses of gender relations in policing in the United States and England and elaborated within the specificity of the general Melanesian discourse on gender. Themes and issues which emerge include the notion that police women believe they need to exceed gender boundaries in order to succeed as professionals, but that they are nevertheless convinced of their greater competence in their work In bringing into the workplace their patterns of social interaction and in negotiating with men, women reproduce their traditional skills in modern form while also enhancing respect for individual human rights.

She should be fair and honest. She doesn't have to be "strong like a man " but she needs to be "strong but firm." She must be a person who doesn't run around with men, helpful to everyone, disciplined, and willing to do the same sort of job as a man. She should be humble, "be like the small people " and not want to be the centre of attention and looked up to all the time. She needs to be easy going, get along with people, not gossip, keep problems to herself, only talk to those she trusts. She should pray like a father over her problems and shouldn't show anger.

Men see us like a glass. They see us by our actions and judge what type of person we are. They don't like women who don't do their work, who loose patience with the workload, who don't have time for them, or are harsh with them. I keep to myself. I'm humble, gentle and kind as well as hospitable and polite and always help them with their work.