One of the causes of the public theological indifference to issues of sexuality in Liberation Theology was a serious lack of post-colonial analysis. Liberationists did not research or reflect in any depth on the sexual indoctrination which accompanied the so-called evangelization of Latin America. Today, there is a generation of Liberation Theologians who are producing a rich reflection on issues of sexuality, ideology and culture. Homosexuality was equivalent to egoism, or desire of the 'same'. It was a sin of capitalist societies and only supported by Christians indifferent to the biblical plea of 'the women, the sons and the strangers'. Both Enrique Dussel and J. Severino Croatto were Roman Catholic theologians, heavily influenced by the ideology of the family in Latin America, which acted as a metanarrative of power in their reflections. The military culture was nurtured by the ideal of the new family, ordered by strict gender obligations and prolific producers of obedient children.