Latin American Theology of Liberation represents the appropriation of two European modes of thinking: Marxism and Christian faith. Marxism, when criticizing the dominant ideology, points out its deficiencies, reclaiming the inclusion of the excluded by the capitalist system. Ideology, according to Karl Marx, is the necessary representation that each social class produces about itself. In Marxism, the form of overcoming ideology creates in the end another ideological form considered to be the true description of reality. Starting from Hegelian categories, Marx develops his theory of the totality of reality, holding together the philosophical thinking and the social reality, taking into consideration both philosophy and the world because, after all, 'both are partial in their own right'. In Christian liturgy the moment of absolution is an outstanding occasion. Sinners kneel repenting of their sins before God and the priest proclaims God's forgiveness with the absolution of their faults.