Multiculturalism and managerial approach to workplace diversity without human factor competency perpetuate the status quo wittingly or unwittingly. However, given the dynamics of diversity in postmodern society 'the status quo is no longer an option'. It is in this light that the facilitating diversity model is imperative. The facilitating diversity model offers hope for a more effective direction to productive diversity in the tourism industry. This new model, Facilitating Diversity Model, produces diversity programs characterized by holism, passion, vision, and strategy guided by human factor competency (HFC). HFC is the ability to apply appropriate knowledge, skills, and normative principles to effectively identify and solve problems that work against productivity, profitability, social justice, cultural development, and environmental preservation. If the tourism industry is serious about diversification that works for the benefit of all its stakeholders, it needs to channel adequate resources to the development and application of human factor competency among tourism entrepreneurs, managers, and employees.