This chapter examines about ideological anxieties circulating within the political, social and psychological space of the 'West' seek to rewrite this traffic in bodies, diseases and desires under the rubric, in Western terms, of perversion and technology. As the multiple stories of viral migration and of African (heterosexual) anality indicate, where perverse desire enters the story of how AIDS came to the West is up to the individual story, but enter it, it surely does. Consider once again the ideological work which the illustrations from that table of viral equivalences in The Science of AIDS must perform: the elision of the gaps between simian immunodeficiency viruses and HIV. HIV transmission, monkeys, humans and disease in light of an understanding of the disease that took as its originary moment an act of male-male sex. The African green monkey –and its African connections, connections which are tenuous at best and contradictory at worst.