This chapter deals with a few suggestions for future research on Second language (L2) pragmatics instruction. E. H. Jeon and T. Kaya conducted the first meta-analysis on L2 pragmatics instruction, synthesizing 13 studies published prior to 2003. Jeon and Kaya’s meta-analysis confirmed that explicit instruction yielded clearly larger effects than implicit instruction both for between-groups contrasts as well as within-groups contrasts. Differential instructional effects on different outcome measures have been found in several primary studies and in Jeon and Kaya’s meta-analysis. In the meta-analysis, both total amount of time and the time span are used as measures of treatment length. Inconclusive findings point to the multidimensional nature of instruction on L2 pragmatics as well as to the possibility of moderators affecting instructional outcomes. The chapter discusses different outcome measures and their potential to moderate the effectiveness of L2 pragmatics instruction.