Recently, efforts have commenced toward clarifying and expanding the role of sports chaplains as a growing facet of Christian ministry. Establishing sports chaplaincy as an accredited discipline has become the focus (Dzikus, Waller and Hardin, 2011). Concordantly, Gamble, Hill, and Parker (2013) addressed the coexistence of sports chaplains and sport psychologists within English professional football. Notably, both disciplines continue to seek acceptance in this context, and given the overlap of their work, it is surmised that they may benefit by increased collaboration (Nesti, 2007). Pastoral care has been the predominant concern of sports chaplaincy to date, reasonably deferring performance issues to sport psychologists. The current chapter suggests that sports chaplaincy, while defining its distinctiveness, may also progress through a thoughtful expansion of its role to include spiritual concerns around performance issues based upon scriptural expertise. This contention is rooted in the assertion that the Bible speaks cogently to the whole of life, including achieving excellence in sport. This chapter describes how Christian theology may inform common experiences faced within the contemporary elite athletic milieu. Herein, the author applies biblical principles to adversity generally, and anxiety specifically, in a way that sports chaplains may meaningfully convey to sport psychologists and athletes alike.