India inhabits 15% of world livestock on 2% geographical area with 5.23% cultivated fodder area. The fodder production in the country is not sufficient to meet the requirement. Especially, the country’s dairy sector is hugely affected by unavailability of fodder. At present, the country faces a net deficit of 35.6% green fodder. The goal of the increased milk production can be achieved only through ensuring availability of good-quality fodder in balanced ratio. So, farmers should be encouraged for cultivation of different fodder grasses and plantation of different fodder trees. Among many good quality fodder trees, subabul (Leucaena leucocephala) is an ideal plantation crop due to its multipurpose use and so can be used by farmers for agroforestry. Subabul cultivation would be particularly appropriate for marginal farmers who do not have access to large land holdings for fodder production.