Hybrid Napier is an interspecific hybrid between bajra and Napier grass and combines high quality and faster growth of bajra with deep root system and multicut habit of Napier grass. It is widely distributed in subtropical regions of Asia, Africa, Southern Europe, and America. In India, it is mainly cultivated in Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Gujarat, West Bengal, Assam, etc. The grass grows throughout the year in the tropics. It can grow on a variety of soils. Light showers alternated with bright sunshine are very congenial to the crop. It produces large number of tillers and numerous leaves. The leaves are large and green, the sheaths are softer, and the margins are less serrated and hence, the herbage is palatable. It is juicer and succulent at all stages of crop growth. It is less fibrous and more acceptable. CO-1, IGFRI-5, CO-3, CO-4, and APBN-1 are improved varieties of hybrid Napier. One rooted slip or stem cutting is planted at a depth of 3-5 cm on one side of the ridge at 60 cm × 60-cm or 70 cm × 50-cm spacing. In a well established crop, the first cut is ready in 60-65 days after planting and subsequent cuttings are taken approximately at an interval of 25-30 days. Annually at least 6-8 cuts are possible. Generally it produces green forage yield of 150-300 t ha−1 year−1.