The revolution precipitated an attack in September 1980 from Iraq, which was aspiring to raise its profile in the Persian Gulf region against Iran. This chapter aims to reveal the underpinning of the multidimensionality in American-Qatari ties, which is a significant feature of the relationship. Following an outline of the Gulf security framework designed by the United States in the post-Gulf War period, it focuses on Qatar's role in the defense scheme. The chapter also focuses on the political aspects of the relationship, paying special attention to Qatar's provision of good offices and mediation in the Middle East, as per the request of the United States. The post-Gulf War American-Qatari partnership could be described as an alliance between a great power and a small state. The US-Qatari partnership that started in the security sphere a quarter-century ago has since expanded and diversified into other domains. Cooperation in security sphere ultimately led to enhanced collaboration in diplomatic, economic, and educational fronts.