A significant strand of Peace Journalism literature is devoted to interpreting its applicability to the coverage of conflicts in the media of different countries as far apart as India and Pakistan; Turkey; Norway and Sweden; Canada; Italy; Uganda, and many others. Material for the study was created, in the form of a ‘bulletin’ of War Journalism items of television reporting, dealing with conflict stories prominent on the news agenda in the country at the time of the research; and a ‘bulletin’ of Peace Journalism, comprising different versions of the same stories. The major sticking point for Peace Journalism research is the feasibility of implementation, given the constraints and affordances not only of traditional structures such as those of ownership, advertiser interests, and ideological red lines, but also the demands imposed by a relentless digital communications space. War Journalism indicates media coverage of conflicts likely to leave readers and audiences cognitively primed for the inevitability of further violence.