This chapter looks at the coverage of the humanitarian scandal in the first half of 2018, from when The Times broke the Oxfam GB Haitian scandal to the publication of the House of Commons report at the end of July. It describes the C. Greer and E. McLaughlin’s model to trace the development of the scandal considers whether the #MeToo movement inspired the sudden focus on abuse and exploitation in the humanitarian sector. The Oxfam scandal dated back to the aftermath of the Haitian earthquake of 2010, while the allegations against Save the Children executives referred to incidents in 2012 and 2015. Greer and McLaughlin posit that the first stage of their scandal model is latency, which is when the ‘scandal’ is an open secret within the institution, or is known to a select few. The chapter argues that there was a conjoining in both the Oxfam and Save the Children scandals.