This chapter discusses the class-focused framework to bring these two elements colonial valve/spatial; Negro question/perspective together to formulate a theory of outside. This outside in turn helps unpack the contemporary particularity of imperialism in its connection with capitalism. The 'colonial valve' that Nikolai Bukharin invokes is the equivalent of outside of capitalism, without which, he insists, one cannot comprehend the historical form of imperialism in the early twentieth century. Neoliberal globalisation is the polished condition of global capitalism, while imperialism embodies a 'tooth and claw' policy of conquest through force and violence. In Bukharin the roles of 'world economy', 'national state' and 'finance capital' are central and interwoven in the characterisation of imperialism. Imperialism secures the vital connection between the centrality of global capital and the new global order based on competitive market economy without which global capitalism cannot be realized. As personification of global enterprises, the dominant capitalists in a nation tend to be global capitalists.