This chapter develops the thesis of this volume specifically with regard to therapeutic relating, a term I use instead of “the therapeutic relationship” (see Tudor, 1999, 2009; Tudor & Widdowson, 2008). “Revisioning” suggests a return to and reconsideration of an original vision which, as far as person-centred therapy is concerned, was “relationship therapy” (Taft, 1933); thus the first part of the chapter begins with a re-view of this concept in the person-centred literature. The reference in the book’s subtitle to “a radical paradigm” implies that person-centred therapy inhabits and indeed reflects a radical paradigm, an implication I investigate in the second part of the chapter by looking under the ground on which person-centred theory and practice stand. The third and final part of the chapter builds on both the review (i.e., looking back) and the investigation (i.e., looking under) by looking forward and does so by assessing person-centred psychology against Kuhn’s (1996) views of the historical development of paradigms.