The conditions pointed out by Rogers (1969) as necessary to facilitate significant learning in the school setting seem relevant to current psychotherapy. But the important question one needs to ask is whether this constructive change in psychotherapy is possible within the dominant ideology of neoliberal capitalism or whether we need to suggest and promote an updated alternative to the necessary conditions of congruence, empathy, and UPR. This chapter offers some proposals in that direction, namely: the place of others and the world in a process of change in psychotherapy and environmental, nutritional, relational/affective, social, cultural, economic, political and spiritual conditions.

There are three conditions necessary to promote constructive change in psychotherapy: (1) interaction, (2) communication and (3) personal and sociocultural resources. These three issues will be attended to in the following topics: accompanying presence, attention to lived situations, expansion/reconfiguration of the horizon of lived meanings and obtaining resources from the ecological and socio-cultural environment.