This chapter explains experimental work in nostalgia is typically manipulated with the Event Reflection Task. M. Baldwin and M. J. Landau tested whether nostalgia promotes perceptions of psychological growth, arguably an indirect indicator of approach orientation as well. Each "nostalgia lyrics" participant was yoked to a "control lyrics" participant, who received the same song lyrics. Nostalgia potentiates the future and directly influences well-being by also guiding overt behavior. This behaviour takes the form of prosociality and engagement in physical activity. The chapter argues that nostalgia shapes one's future and well-being by sparking approach orientation, increasing optimism, and evoking inspiration. Experimentally manipulated nostalgia elevates self-esteem, regardless of whether it is assessed in terms of bespoke items or the ten-item Rosenberg self-esteem scale. The chapter focuses on serial mechanism via which nostalgia might strengthen pursuit of one's goals. The link between nostalgia and creativity is plausible, given that nostalgia sparks approach orientation, evokes inspiration, and strengthens motivation to pursue one's important goal.