Sepsis can decrease the anti-inflammatory and immunomodulator effects of High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL). Low HDL levels inversely correlate with the severity of sepsis and associate with an exaggerated systemic inflammatory response. Bacterial infection is a strong stimulus for PCT. To determine the correlation between PCT and HDL levels in bacterial sepsis an observational study with a case control design was conducted on 30 sepsis and 30 non-sepsis infection patients. Data was collected to fill out PCT and HDL level on the 1st, 3rd and 5th day and then analysed to assess their relationship. Statistically, a significant difference shows in the PCT and HDL levels between the sepsis and non-sepsis groups. There was a negative correlation between HDL and PCT, and a negative correlation between HDL level and the severity of sepsis, which show a medium strength correlation. Sepsis can be estimated when the HDL value less than 17,50 mg/dl. There was a significant relationship between PCT and HDL level in bacterial sepsis.