Organisms that can be found in CSOM can be either aerobic or anaerobic fungi or a combination of both. Chronic secretions and the use of irrational and excessive otic topical antibiotics encourage the growth of fungal infections in CSOM. Aspergillus and Candida sp are fungi which are commonly found in CSOM. To understand the pattern of fungal infections of patients with CSOM at the ORL-HNS Department, Faculty of Medicine, Uni- versitas Sumatera Utara/Haji Adam Malik General Hospital Medan, a descriptive study with case series approach was conducted. Positive fungal cultures with as many as four specimens (13.33%) were found from 30 aural discharges. The types of fungi were Aspergillus sp. (75%) and Candida sp. (25%). From the results conducted a positive fungal culture, so the fungal infection is still considered on CSOM especially from the patients who do not respond to treatment. Keywords: CSOM, fungal infections, fungal culture