Figure 12.5 Curved fragment with panels divided by a roll moulding, AF3

Figure 12.6 Fragment with sunken roll, AF4

Figure 12.7 Section of an octagonal feature, AF5

Figure 12.8 Fragment with chamfered faces, one incised with a cross, AF6

Figure 12.9 Irregular fragment with two chamfered faces, AF7

Figure 12.10 Wedge of shaft, AF8

Figure 12.11 Curved fragment, possibly cut to fit an angle, AF9

Figure 12.12 Irregular fragment of a shaft, AF10

Figure 12.13 Curved fragment possibly part of a shaft, AF11

Figure 12.14 Irregularly shaped fragment of a shaft, AF12

Figure 12.15 Fragment of moulding, AF13

Figure 12.16 Irregular T-shaped fragment possibly of a window opening, AF14

Figure 12.17 Irregular bar with junctions for cross pieces, AF15

Figure 12.18 Irregularly shaped bar, possibly part of a frame, AF16

Figure 12.19 Part of a roughly tooled rounded bar, AF17

Figure 12.22 Fragment possibly of a window bar, AF20

Figure 12.20 Fragment possibly of an arch recut, AF18

Figure 12.21 Part of a frame for an opening, with holes for bars, AF19

Figure 12.24 Rectangular socket stone, possibly to support a cross, AF23

Figure 12.23 Block fragment possibly of a window jamb, AF22

Figure 12.25 Fragment with two chamfered faces possibly a base or plinth, AF24

Nine further chamfered stones are recorded: three from a spread of angular stones, possibly a disturbed floor, in Nave 1 (C629), one from a floor level in the west end of the church (C461), one fragment lining one of the postholes in the nave (C682), three from cemetery levels to the south and west, and one from the stone dump (C421).