The lead-working waste and metal-working debris recovered from the excavations were subject to separate assessment previously and the results of that work, updated to incorporate the refined contextual information, are summarised here with the rest of the metal-work. The range of finds recovered is generally consistent with assemblages recovered from excavations at other castles. Tools do appear to be under-represented but this may be due to the limited area investigated at Wigmore Castle and the locations of the interventions undertaken. A small amount of military equipment came from the 1996 excavations but the majority was recovered from the 1998 excavations, at the south-eastern corner of the Inner Bailey. Possible plate armour fragments were found in both areas of excavation occurring in two contexts in the 1996 excavations and a further seven in the 1998 excavations. These fragments were narrow with a distinctly curved profile suggesting they come from the fingers of a gauntlet.