This chapter notes the remarkable recurrence of the topic of multiple and often conflated universes in Greek short stories during recent decades. It discusses The Preparation by E. Ch. Gonatas, short stories from Dimitris Nollas's collections Tender Skin and I Dream of my Friends, and the collections Last Year's Fiancée by Zyranna Zateli and New Athenian Stories by Christos Vakalopoulos. In those stories the multiplicity of worlds is revealed in sudden illogical or magical disruptions of realistic landscapes such as Kallidromiou Street being afflicted by a wave of incessant coughing and babbling, with outbursts of honesty and sociability coming from every direction as an old woman ventures to get hold of the last Monopoly set in town in 'Go to Jail'. The chapter discusses to trace the plurality of approaches found in contemporary Greek short-story writers vis-à-vis the subject of multiple worlds and their consequences for individual.