T HERE is nothing more commendable, and at the f"me time more ufeful in life, than to be :able to wrire J{*tters on aU occafions \vith elegance and prC'priety. \V.hen you write to .. a friend, your Jetter 1bJuld ·be a pi!ture of your heart, the ftyle loofe and. irren-ular; the thot1glns thc:mftlvcs fi1ould appear na ... ked~ and n~t drelfed in tile borro-wed robes ot rhetoTic ; tor a friend \¥ill be mere plea fed w~th that part of a Jetter which flows from the heart, than that which is the pt·odud: of the mind. 1 \vould not be underilcod to m~;1n, that the p~ffions themfelves may not i e·dreif·d in wit, provided it fjts eafy and natural. and fcems rather cxprr.ffive of the theughts, than pla.. cc:d there tor ~ny beauty ofits O\vn.,

When you, write merely· aut of compliment, it is df.ine more ·eo ple.a.te your cerrefponderj.t than yourfeif; ar.d therefore Y"'U thould end-eavour to hit his tafie : b' at the fame time ntver forget to make .~boice of that fu t.jett~ if po!fible, .you are the greatetl maner of. \V .nen th~ fuh} .. tt is determined, you mull: be careful to fi.x your eyes on the brightefi part of it, tha: wh~n you have t.tken all the paa.ns in year pc.'twer-to adorn i·r, you may have tll~fa-.~sfaftion to iee it appear pleafing and gra<:':fut;

th~ \vho!e. When you write letters on the common concerns

of life:, e1~gaoc;e is not requ~rc!d; eafe and perpefcuity are the only beauties yen lhould fiudy. Write freely, b\~t z.:ut hlo4.rt:ty; let your words drop from ycur-pen,

hun1~n ant ..