In his 1975 paper, Paolo Bozzi presented a sample of transparency effects obtained with achromatic line drawings, that is with drawings made only of black lines and dots. Among the number of demos published in Bozzi’s paper, those in which the transparent surface appears characterized by a somewhat milky opacity are those that deliver the strongest impression of phenomenal transparency. Bozzi, however, pointed out that the magnifying effect is stronger with higher articulated configurations. Concluding his paper on transparency effects achievable with line drawings, Bozzi addresses also the issue of seeing what lies behind a window. Both Gaetano Kanizsa’s and Bozzi’s demos bring out the crucial role of figural structure and perceptual organization in transparency phenomena. Nevertheless, when describing Kanizsa’s demo, Metzger writes that the transparency effect appears enhanced when the textured parts of the disks are all slightly modified in shape or shifted in position.