The general problem of discipline in schools was considered by the Elton Report, but this focused mainly on difficulties experienced by teachers. Elton Report did specifically refer to the occurrence of bullying and racial harassment in schools and the need to take action against it. The report by P. Stephenson and D. Smit is based on teachers' reports, while that by C. M. J. Arora and D. A. Thompson is based on the 'Life in schools' booklet given to pupils. Fewer children reported bullying other young people on their way to and from school, about 3% 'now and then' or more frequently. D. Olweus concluded from this that 'the school is, no doubt, where most of the bullying occurs'. Both lay on the outskirts of the city, one in the north and one in the south, and had catchment areas which included within their boundaries large council estates which suffered from multiple deprivation.