This chapter explores the challenges of the model and considerations users should have when using the framework to articulate the value of Health Information Technology (HIT). It Identifies the potential challenges IT professionals may encounter when leveraging the STEPSTM model to catalogue the benefits of HIT. The chapter explains the difference between a health IT feature and a HIT benefit. It demonstrates how to use the feature-benefit matrix to associate HIT benefits with a HIT feature. The chapter details how evidence in the "T," "E" and "P" domains of the STEPSTM Framework more directly reflect the causal linkages between HIT interventions and outcomes, than the evidence included in the Satisfaction and Savings domains. one of the most significant challenges in using the STEPSTM Framework is to differentiate "HIT features" from "HIT benefits." While the two concepts are related, the distinction is critical in ensuring the use of the appropriate evidence to advance the value narrative of HIT.