From the early Middle Ages, employment opportunities in manufacturing and agriculture expanded for day laborers. As the city's records indicate, the city council of Zwickau first took up the regulation of payment for day laborers in 1506/07. Ordinance and Regulation of the honorable council of the city of Zwickau, concerning the day workers and day laborers, what and how one shall deal with their payment, so that no one shall in that regard be cheated or discriminated against. Concerning the other garden work, such as weeding, hops planting, and such work commonly performed by women: 8 pfennige per day with board and 16 pfennige without board. On account of his recalcitrance, he shall be arrested and punished or be commanded to forever give up work in the city. If a townsman does not want to seek out the council or the court in this matter, he shall report the worker to the bailiff.