This chapter explains a method for the measurement of individual change. This idiographic approach is particularly useful when examining change in self-esteem, self-efficacy and self-concept over time. This chapter will explain how to measure individual change using a card-sort method, grounded in personal construct theory and how to analyse the results of this change-based assessment approach using a two-step multidimensional scaling technique. This method consists of several analyses techniques which, to date, have been used less frequently in studies looking to assess for behavioural change. This chapter will explain to the reader how the method was designed, how data was collected and how data was analysed using multi-dimensional scaling and general Procrustes analysis. This chapter presents a case study which tracks an individual’s self-perception and changes in it over a time period. The value of this chapter is that it provides the reader with the knowledge to use a method that elicits how the participant views his or her world with a minimum of interference from the researcher.