The Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI) is a self-administered, objective inventory of adult personality designed to provide information on critical clinical variables to screen for psychopathology. The PAI was specifically administered because little was known about Lachlan Q'.s mental health history and he had difficulty describing his mental state. In regards to the clinical scales on the PAI, he scored in the moderate or marked elevation range on four scales: Drug Problems (DRG), Depression (DEP), Alcohol Problems (ALC), and Anxiety (ANX). On the PAI Interpersonal Scales, Lachlan scored in the average score range for Dominance (DOM) and the moderately low score range for Warmth. The diagnostic assessment was discontinued because of suicidality concerns and he was transferred to an inpatient facility. Given the identified problems with using multiple substances, anxiety, and depression, Lachlan will most likely benefit from intensive inpatient treatment under the supervision of medical and mental health professionals.