This chapter presents the novel concept of progressive voxelization, an incremental image-based volume generation scheme for fully dynamic scenes that addresses the view-dependency issues of image-based voxelization within the time constraints. The performance of the optimized progressive voxelization is identical to that of the cleanup stage as expected, since it is essentially a modified cleanup stage. It follows that the dual stage version performance will always be slower than the optimized one. In terms of voxelization robustness, our algorithm complements single-frame screen-space voxelization and supports both moving image viewpoints and fully dynamic geometry and lighting. When using the technique for lighting effects, as in the case of the LPV algorithm of or the ray marching techniques of, the volume attributes must include occlusion information, sampled normal vectors, direct lighting (VPLs), and optionally surface albedo in the case of secondary indirect light bounces.