In this chapter, the authors present Adaptive Virtual Textures (AVT), which greatly improve the texture resolution in a very large world. They discuss the practical implementation of AVT and how we overcame those challenges in their game. Procedural Virtual Textures are mismapped texture caches that store the recent rendering result of terrain material blending and projected decals. It is a powerful optimization technique because the rendering engine can simply skip the expensive terrain material blending once it has been cached in the virtual textures. The standard virtual textures technique allocates a large mismapped texture, which is then uniformly applied onto the whole terrain world. The performance of virtual texture rendering may vary depending on how many virtual pages are visible in a given frame. When the camera is moving or turning very fast, it could take significant time to cache the physical textures. Anisotropic filtering authors Adaptive Virtual Textures support 8X anisotropic filtering.