This chapter provides China profiles, including key information about the relevant corporate sustainability and responsibility (CSR) history, country-specific issues, trends, research, education and leading organizations. In 1949, Chairman Mao Zedong proclaimed the founding of the People's Republic of China and collectivised agriculture, outlawed private enterprise and steered a socialist ship of state. Despite having experienced profound modern socioeconomic changes, China is greatly influenced by its historic traditions, values and practices. Many contemporary scholars claim that China's first experience with CSR was during the Maoist era of collective agriculture and state-owned enterprises, the period of the so-called 'iron rice bowl'. China's large 'floating' migrant population of over 100 million people, mean that job creation and high-quality training are among the priorities of both the Chinese government and companies. As more companies operating in China go abroad, they are adopting and promoting global standards and CSR practices acceptable to stakeholders outside of China.