This chapter provides Greece profiles which includes key information about the relevant corporate sustainability and responsibility (CSR) history, country-specific issues, trends, research, education and leading organizations. Interestingly enough, an etymological perspective sheds some light on both modern Greek CSR appreciation, as well as CSR links to ancient Greece. Although global discussions and debates concerning the roots of CSR are expectedly many and long, the existence of CSR links to ancient Greece are well established and reach beyond the etymological links to spondee. Environmental issues connected to both illegal and legal landfills are a challenge for Greece. Another environmental issue is Greece's dependency on fossil fuels, especially lignite. The largest lignite centre is located in northern Greece in the Ptolemais-Amyntaion district and comprises 16 units with a total capacity of 4,050 MW. Despite country-specific challenges and peculiarities that CSR faces in Greece, one of its global problematic commonalities, namely its definitional aspects, also affects its national understanding and implementation.