In 1917, the Sun Company began operations in Canada. Over the past 85 years, the company has evolved into a fully integrated energy company known as Suncor Energy. Suncor has adopted the 'ABCs of Climate Change' programme developed by the Energy Council of Canada. This is an outreach programme which demonstrates to employees and local residents how they can participate to lower levels of greenhouse gas emissions. Suncor's Board of Directors is ultimately responsible for the development and implementation of the company's sustainability strategy. Operationally, Suncor relies on members of the senior management leadership team to actually implement and verify the actions of the company from a sustainability perspective. Suncor's internal auditors evaluate not only the company's financial operations but also its environmental actions. Environment, health and safety (EHS) audits at a business-unit level are conducted every two or three years and an overall EHS assessment is done every three to five years.