Three suicidal principles are deeply embedded in corporate globalisation. The first and broadest suicidal principle is hegemony, the quest for domination by global corporations and the superpower states that sponsor them, particularly the US government. The second suicidal principle is economic polarisation. The third suicidal principle is environmental unsustainability. Global survival requires that corporations and governments move from hegemony to global democracy, from polarisation toward equality and from fossil fuel production to eco-sustainability. Equality, achieved by redistributing the world’s capital stock, debt and trade rules to favour the global poor, will end the global class warfare now tearing apart the Middle East and much of the rest of the developing world. Eco-sustainability—the shift toward renewable energy and constraints on growth—is the only way to save the planet from global warming. The emerging new populism recognises that corporations are now sociopathic legal entities inconsistent with democracy and survival of the planet.