France is a country located in the European Union, home to 66.6 million inhabitants as of January 2014. France is a capitalist country operating with strong state intervention, high income levels per capita Gross Domestic Product and a ranking of 20 out of 187 on the United Nations Human Development Index. The country is home to a vast variety of ecosystems due to its proximity to the Atlantic and Mediterranean oceans and the Alps. The population has an average life expectancy of 81 years and one of the highest fertility rates in Europe. Family Ecolodge has been awarded the Clef Verte certification. Consistent with their mission, the business does not print brochures to advertise their product and services, they encourage customers to book online and the use of cars is forbidden on their sites. They also only use local organic or Fair Trade products and a percentage of the fees paid by customers are donated to programmes promoting sustainable development.