This chapter discusses the ideological distortion as it appeared in Stalinism. Stalinism was probably the most extreme manifestation of false consciousness known to history. The analogy between the logical structure of false consciousness as depicted by the Marxist Fogarasi, and that of the logic of Stalinism is obvious. During the Stalinist era, the “principle of analogy” was the object of violent discussions in the USSR. Stalinism, as a typical manifestation of political falsehood, was compelled to turn its back on dialectics in spire of its Marxist origins. Although Stalinism is a dead ideology, nevertheless, as a spontaneous ideal-type of ideological distortion, it remains very important for sociologists, as it sheds light on current issues. False identification plays an important part not only in economics but also in sociology and even in political practice. The number of false identities in a given political discourse reflects the degree of its ideologization.