Valor-based leaders understand the powerful competitive advantages associated with ethical, values-based organizations. Conformity is a change in beliefs or behaviors when youth yield to real or imagined social pressure. Courage is an important element of successful leadership and is a common requirement of leaders. Jean Piaget, a Swiss psychologist, explored how children developed moral reasoning. According to Crocker and Wolfe, authors of the "Contingencies of Self-Worth Model", people differ in their bases of self-esteem. Teachers, religious leaders, friends, acquaintances, and others who shared ideas through their communication and behavior influenced our understanding, perspective, and definition of what is acceptable and unacceptable social conduct. When self-worth is derived through external factors then selfishness, greed, and poor or ethically unsound decisions are likely to emerge. Valor-based leadership is simply about having the courage to do what is right and ethical in the most demanding of situations.